Surprisingly, Fransworth was a very accomplished television inventor; ever since "...the age of three, he was making precise drawings of the internal mechanisms of locomotives. At six, he declared his intention to follow in the footsteps of Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell. At fourteen, while tilling a potato field on his family's farm in Idaho, he saw the neat, parallel lines of furrows in front of him, and it occurred to him...that a picture could be sent electronically through the airwaves in the same way, broken down into easily transmitted lines and then reassembled into a complete picture at the other end. He went to see his high school science teacher, and covered the blackboard with drawings and equations. At nineteen, after dropping out of college, he impressed two local investors with his brilliance and his conviction. He moved to California and set up shop in a tiny laboratory." (Gladwell, Malcolm, The Televisionary)
A pure genius you would say. However, Farnsworth believed that he can take his invention of the television independently, without any assistance from corporations, patents or partners. In his words, "If you had the vision and you made the vision work, then the invention was yours...(Gladwell, The Televisionary) Having this thought in mind, someone else took Farnsworth's idea, made it as their own and publicized it.
If Farnsworth simply took the action of applying a patent on his innovation, he would have ended up being a one of the few famous life-changing persons in the world.
Similar to the patent is the Academic Dishonesty Policy. District 225 strictly follows this policy. This document of "guidelines" simply explains why one should not copy, cheat, allow a person do work for you, you do the work for someone else, etc. Every year, every teacher, in every class reads the Academic Policy to every student in order to enforce these rules. Would you think that this following example demonstrates Academic Dishonesty?:
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