Sunday, November 28, 2010

Metacognition: Get Organized -- A Tribute to Aristotle

Throughout this whole wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving break, I was brainstorming ideas about what to reorganized in my life. I could have easily written about cleaning my room, but I do that task every week so it wouldn't be something new that I've done. However, I did do some rearrangement in my life and I just realized that I've done it today.

I told myself that I would finish my college applications this break and so I had to sit myself down, lock myself in, and motivate myself to accomplish this task. So I ventured off to the new and improved Glenview Public Library, rented myself once of those quiet study cubicles and had two hours to finish those darn, dreadful applications.

Right before I opened up my laptop to get started, I brought alllllll of those college pamphlets and brochures that they send me throughout the year. I kept them all in a drawer in my desk and they just kept piling and piling. So I brought all of them with me to the library and realized that I need to just keep all the college pamphlets and brochures of the colleges that I want to go to and that I am going to apply.

And so, I threw out all of the trash mail from the colleges that I am not interested at all to go to and/or apply to, and in the end, I had all the necessary packets from the 6-7 colleges that I want to apply to. Now I wanted to put them in a nice orderly fashion. It's a good thing I brought a binder and some folders so I got into putting those packets/pamphlets/brochures into their own categories of the different colleges I am interested in. I bind them up in the binder and voila! it's alll organized in a nice neat order and now I can function properly.

As I reflect upon my reorganization, I realized several things. Before assorting the college packets/pamphlets/brochures, I was kinda stressed prior to finishing my apps. And I absolutely HATE it when things are disorganized (this is why I need to clean my room once a week). So I strictly had to sit myself down and actually do something about this disorganization. While doing this assortment, I felt great and once I get into the mood of doing something, I keep going and forget about the outside world. I just kept pushing and pushing myself to accomplish this task. And once I had my huge, fat binder finished, I felt relieved and obviously less stressed.

I'm a very organized person and I need to have everything in it's place or else I cannot function properly. Little things such as putting brochures into categories can really save time and create a stress-free environment. I know for a fact that if I take the time to organize everything and know where everything is, I will most definitely go far in life.

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