Sunday, October 24, 2010

Best of Week: Born into Brothels

I never realized how a simple documentary can change one's perspective of the world dramatically. Just by watching a factual movie filmed from the opposite side of world makes me think twice about my life.

In the past two days, we've been watching Born into Brothels in which a group of children of prostitutes around the ages of 8-12  are filmed and observed in India. It is a very serious topic but it also interesting to see how this kids interact with their world and surroundings. In AP Psychology, we've been taught the word resilience which by definition means a quality allowing children to develop normally in spite of severe environmental risk factors. And I definitely agree what these children are resilient to what they're born into.

The part that hits me the most is how these children become so happy and entertained by just one little thing, such as taking pictures. This whole new world of photography creates lots of fascination and engagement that they forget about their horrid worlds that they're living in. They're moving on, trying to get the fact that live in the brothels out of their way of their lives. They want to be educated, they want to be clothed and fed, they want to have a few more coins in their pocket, and its motivation and optimism that they might live better lives that keeps them moving.

And this is how I try to live my life. I know that living with one parent is difficult, but I should be thankful that I at least have one parent. Sometimes I forget that I should be happy with just all the things I have and that I shouldn't complain, so movies like this documentary helps me remind myself how I shouldn't take my life for granted. I know for a fact that I will never forget this concept of thinking.

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